Conference on Molecular Nanoscience 2024
Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
September 29, 2024 - October 4, 2024
Organizers: Prof. Klaus Kern and Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral
Contact: Dr. Klaus Kuhnke (k.kuhnke(at)
Max-Planck-EPFL Center for Molecular Nanoscience and Technology
Congressi Stefano Franscini
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich
Science at the nanometer scale is a field at the intersection of physics, biotechnology, chemistry, and material science which has been steadily gaining momentum in recent years and has become important for novel technological developments. Nanoscience is located at the frontier of state-of-the-art research exploring and designing the properties of matter at the level of its molecular building blocks and supramolecular assemblies. Sessions will be devoted to energy conversion, advanced research tools in nanoscience, theory on molecular systems, biomolecular systems, and photonics at the nanoscale. The conference will also comprise two evening lectures.
The aim of the workshop will be to bring together scientists working at the frontiers of Nanoscience research and allow for a common discourse and intensified interdisciplinary exchange. The conference will continue two very successful earlier meetings in 2014 and 2017. It will give scientists from different disciplines a common forum for the presentation of their recent results promoting an exchange of ideas across discipline boundaries and moreover aims at the education and motivation of graduate students and post-docs.
Conference Schedule (click here)
Confirmed speakers and chairs:
E.Alacon-Llado, AMOLF, The Netherlands
K.Anggara, MPI-Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
Ch.Ast, MPI-Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
K.Balasubramanian, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany
J.Barth, Technische Universität München, Germany
R.Berndt, University of Kiel, Germany
A.Bittner, Nanogune, San Sebastian, Spain
H.Brune, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
M.Burghard, MPI-Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
M.Ceriotti, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
S.De Feyter, KU Leuven, Belgium
Z.-C. Dong, Hefei University, China
R.Fasel, EMPA, Dübendorf,. Switzerland
P.Fischer, MPI-Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
A.Fontcuberta i Morral, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
P.Gambardella, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
M.Garg, MPI-Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
F.Giessibl, University of Regensburg, Germany
Ch.Kley, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the MPS, Berlin, Germany
K.Kuhnke, MPI-Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
M.Lingenfelder, Ikerbasque Bilbao, Spain
B.Lotsch, MPI-Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
G.Meijer, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the MPS, Berlin, Germany
R.L.Miller, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
A.Radenovic, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
Ch.Reilly, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
T.Rizzo, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
C.Ropers, MPI-Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen, Germany
A.Rosławska, MPI-Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
M.Rossi, MPI-Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany
U.Schlickum, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
A.Singha, MPI-Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
S.Tait, Indiana University, USA
M.Ternes, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Th. Weitz, University of Göttingen, Germany
Evening Lectures:
M.Kawai, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan
A.Polman, AMOLF, The Netherlands