

The activities of the Center are inherently interdisciplinary and build on the synergy between nanostructure physics, physical, analytical and biochemistries, surface science, life sciences, microengineering and systems engineering. Based on the idea that significant synergies can be created by widely sharing ideas and expertise as well as access to materials and infrastructure between the partner institutions, the Center provides a unique platform for interdisciplinary exchange and cooperation in molecular nanoscience and technology.

The following list provides information on the collaborative projects within the Center.

Project title


Supported departments and working groups

Mechanically stabilized synthetic cells as a playground for 4D microscopy


I. Platzman, J. Spatz (MPS) and A. Radenovic (EPFL)

Scattering of molecular beams on liquid water


B. Winter, G. Meijer (MPS) and A. Osterwalder (EPFL)

Ultrafast electronic and structural dynamics in lead halide perovskites


M.Chergui (EPFL) and R. Ernstorfer (MPS)

Charge carrier chemistry of halide perovskites under light


J. Maier (MPS) and M. Grätzel (EPFL)

Unraveling the working morphology of bimetallic nanoparticles under electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction conditions


S.W. Chee, R.M. Aran Ais, B. Roldan Cuenya (MPS) and D. Alexander, C. Hébert (EPFL)

Chiral spectroscopy & forces


Ch. Galland (EPFL) and P. Fischer (MPS)

Probing Gas/Surfaces Reaction Dynamics with Vibrational Spectroscopies


A. Wodtke (MPS) and R. Beck (EPFL)

Solar battery based on a hybrid organic-inorganic scheme


A. Fontcuberta I Morral (EPFL) and B. Lotsch (MPS)

Machine learning of experimental observables in surface and interface science


M. Rossi (MPS) and M. Ceriotti (EPFL)

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