Summerschool on theoretical modelling at the nanoscale
July 3-8, 2022 on Schloß Ringberg, Bavaria, Germany
Organizers: Prof. Michele Ceriotti (Ecole Politechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Dr. Mariana Rossi (Fritz-Haber Institut and MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter)
This School will focus on theoretical training on subjects that play a fundamental role in nanoscale science, condensed matter physics, materials science, and bioengineering.
Simulations are an invaluable tool to make predictions and bring physical understanding that cannot be achieved by experimental techniques alone, and to provide atomic-scale insights to interpret, understand and verify experimental findings. In particular, the field of computer simulations and theoretical modelling has witnessed a substantial progress in the past years, especially due to the incorporation and development of big-data and machine-learning techniques tailored for condensed matter physics, materials science and bioengineering. So called ab initio methods have long been the “holy grail” of simulations relying only on fundamental physical laws and constants instead of empirical parameters or idealized models. Under well-known approximations these first-principles techniques allow to investigate the electronic structure and the interactions in molecules, bulk materials, and surfaces. However they are often computationally too expensive to be of any practical use for a large variety of problems. Consequently, ab initio techniques were proven to be more powerful in connection with dynamical and thermodynamical algorithms, and their reach has been greatly extended by their combination with machine-learning algorithms. The latter significantly increased the number of systems that can be treated by profiting from the lower computational effort. From another perspective, these simulations and techniques also allow a better parametrization of empirical models, making multiscale approaches more reliable and predictive simulations of large complex systems possible.
Data driven simulations at the atomic scale
Joerg Behler (Uni Göttingen)
Milica Todorovic (Turku University)
Michele Ceriotti (EPFL)
Software demonstration lectures:
Yair Litman (Cambridge University)
Guillaume Fraux (EPFL)
Sebastian Kokott (FHI Berlin)
Christopher Sewell (EPFL)
Luigi Sbailò (FHI Berlin)
Classical and quantum thermodynamics of materials
Giovanni Bussi (SISSA)
Bartomeu Monserrat (Cambridge University)
Mariana Rossi (FHI/MPSD)
Luca Ghiringhelli (FHI Berlin)
Modeling at the nanoscale
Oliver Hofmann (TU Graz)
Harald Oberhofer (University Bayreuth)
Venue and dates: The Summerschool will take place at Schloß Ringberg on the banks of Tegernsee about 50 km south of Munich. Travel directions can be found here.The Summerschool will begin on Sunday, July 3, (arrival between 4pm and 10pm) and ends on Friday, July 8 around 1pm.
Contact and registration: k.kuhnke(at)
PhD students can apply via email with their name, affiliation and an abstract for a poster presentation.
Application deadline: Mai 20, 2022 (extended to June 1).