Conference on Molecular Nanostructures 2017

Organizers: Prof.K.Kern, Prof.T.Rizzo, Prof.A.Fontcuberta, Prof.A.Wodtke Contact: K.Kuhnke (k.kuhnke(at) Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, March 5 - 10, 2017

Sponsored by:

Max-Planck-EPFL Center for Molecular Nanoscience and Technology

Congressi Stefano Franscini

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich

Swiss National Science Foundation

Science at the nanometer scale is a field at the intersection of physics, biotechnology, chemistry, and material science which has been steadily gaining momentum in recent years and has become important for novel technological developments. Nanoscience is located at the frontier of state-of-the-art research exploring and designing the properties of matter at the level of its molecular building blocks and supramolecular assemblies.
The conference will focus on recent progress and developments. Topics will range from high resolution molecular imaging and molecular reaction dynamics to its relevant applications in catalysis and sustainable energy conversion.

The conference will continue a very successful earlier meeting in 2014. It will give scientists from different disciplines a common forum for the presentation of their recent results promoting an exchange of ideas across discipline boundaries. Moreover the conference aims at the education and motivation of graduate students and post-docs who

For informations on the venue and travel information please click HERE


Confirmed invited speakers:

Perdita Barran (University of Manchester; U.K.): Unravelling the complexity of disordered proteins with Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry

Rainer Beck (EPF Lausanne; Switzerland): Gas/Surface Reaction Dynamics Probed by Quantum State Resolved Molecular Beam Experiments

Michele Ceriotti (EPF Lausanne; Switzerland): Machine Learning for Materials and Molecules

Hans-Werner Fink (University of Zürich; Switzerland): Holography with Low-Energy Electrons: a Tool for Single Molecule Structural Biology

Felix R. Fischer (UC Berkeley; U.S.): Design, Synthesis, and Exploration of Quantum Confinement Effects in Organic Nanostructures

Peer Fischer (MPI for Intelligent Systems; Germany): Active Systems

Luca Ghiringhelli (Fritz-Haber Institut der MPG, Berlin; Germany): Big Data of Materials Science: Critical Role of the Descriptor

Gert von Helden (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin ; Germany): The structures of amino acid and peptide aggregates studied by IR spectroscopy

You Soo Kim (RIKEN; Japan): Single-molecule emission/absorption spectroscopy with STM and real-space investigation of intermolecular energy transfer

Norbert Koch (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin; Germany): Molecular donors, acceptors, and switches as agents to control electron energy levels at interfaces

Magalí Lingenfelder (MPS-EPFL-Nanolab, Lausanne; Switzerland): BioNanoarchitectonics: functional nanostructures that build themselves

Marcel Major (Universität Basel; Switzerland): E-Field Triggered Single-Molecule Switches

Sander Mann (AMOLF, Amsterdam; The Netherlands): Nanophotonic engineering for high efficiency optoelectronic devices

Aleksandra Radenovic (EPF Lausanne; Switzerland): Controlled Translocation of a DNA−Protein Complexes through a Glass Nanocapillary

Beatriz Roldan (Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Germany): Operando Nanocatalysis: Size, Shape and Chemical State Effects

Joachim Spatz (MPI for Medical Research, Heidelberg; Germany): Mechanotransduction in Collective Cell Migration and its Synthetic Mimic

Maria Tchernycheva (Université Paris-Sud, CNRS; France): Flexible optoelectronic devices based on nitride nanowires

Alec Wodtke (MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen; Germany): Mid-infrared laser-induced fluorescence with nanosecond time resolution using a superconducting nanowire single photon detector: New technology for molecular science


> Conference Schedule <  

> List of poster contributions < 


Conference Schedule :

- Arrival Sunday, March 5, 2017 (late afternoon)

- Departure Friday, March 10, 2017 (after lunch)

- Shuttle Bus leaving Locarno train station on Sunday: first departure ca. 14h15  .. every 40 minutes .. last bus leaving train station around 18h15.

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